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Wer mag es nicht, wenn ein Spekulum aus rostfreiem Stahl ihre Vagina verschiebt? Einige der echt heißesten Amateure entblößen ihre nassen rosa Fotzen. Weit gespreizte Löcher und Spekula, ANAL-Prüfungen, Katether und Einlaufaufnahmen. Echte Injektionen, Bauchabtastung, Zäpfchen, Thermometer, Herzschlag mit elektronischem Stethoskop und EKG! Ein Pussy-, Stethoskop- und Arschliebhabergenuss!
Welcome Professional bodybuilder Ashley Starr to sexually broken. This muscle bound beautiful girl has huge nipples and a monsterous clit. Wait to see her deep throat, you will be a fan. First we secure her spread using strong metal and vintage leather cuffs. She is completely helpless! We start applying suction cups to her nipples. Her huge nipples are pulled painfully into the cups, growing bigger and bigger! She moans, but her sexy body can take it! She is then getting flogged on her sexy abs and huge tits!
For the fans of over the knee spanking, girls in uniforms, punished maids, housewives, schoolgirls..Real hard spanking, paddling, caning and whipping, hot and very exciting. Don't miss these fabulous spanking films by Northern Spanking.