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The new head girl at St. Stripes school has caught one of the fifth formers smoking and bullying a younger girl. She decides to deal with the matter herseif, instead of reporting it to the headmaster. The fifth former is taken to the detention room, where the head girl begins to punish her. She soon has the unfortunate little blonde over her knees, and after pulling up her skirt and exposing her white knickers, she Starts to administer a sound spanking. Her protests become very loud, which attracts the attention of the passing headmaster, who enters the room to be confronted with the sight of the head girl enthusiastically spanking the younger girl. He immediately brings proceedings to a halt, and after being told why the girl is being punished, he agrees that it is well deserved, but not the head girls place to administer it. He then takes over from here and hands out an even harder spanking, which leaves her sobbing. Once he has completed the fifth formers punishment he turns his attentions to the head girl, who is given a bare bottom spanking too, only harder and much longer. And once the cane is produced, the head is determined to make an example of her...