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MOOD Total Embarrassment

MOOD Total Embarrassment
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Product no.: MOODTotEMB
Our previous price 39,95 EUR Now only 24,95 EURyou save 38% / 15,00 EUR
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Products description

Total Embarrassment Available: DVD DVD extra: Trailers Details: 84 min.; cane (250) COMPLETE ENGLISH SUBTITLES An unusual, very exciting quiz show. We drive around town, and we pick up girls, who agree to participate in the following game: Every participiants receive 2000 USD, no matter if wins or looses. If someone cannot answer a quiz question correctly, she must take off one piece of clothing. Those, who end up naked, must take a 50 cane stroke forfeit. Since the girls are requested to sign a contract before the game, there is no way back to those unlucky girls who end up as loosers. 5 girls out of 9 get caned. SINCE THIS IS A REALITY MOVIE, THE OUTCOME OF EACH GAME IS DECIDED BY THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GIRLS. AND WE DON'T WANT TO SPOIL YOUR EXCITIMENT, SO HERE WE ONLY SHOW CAPTURES OF THE PICK-UPS, THE BEGINNINGS OF THE GAMES, AND THE RESULTS ON THE FIVE BOTTOMS. WE DON'T SHOW YOU WHOM EACH WELL CANED BOTTOM BELONGS TO.

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