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Sometime, somewhere in a surrealistic Detention House... We peek into the dark days of a room of 6 inmates. These girls are often... sometimes treated as objects of sadistic sexual games. They are often like being to stand stripped naked in thec freezing cold outside... And if these inmates must be punished, then they are mercilessly. DVD extras: Spanking Instrument: Behind the Scences. Trailers Cane (250 strokes). Single-tail whip Subtitles: english 1 hour 05 min 4:3 PAL
Vol.2 DVD extra: 2 Bonus punishments of Mistress Zita, Trailers Details: 35 minutes; Rohrstock (50+50+50+50); COMPLETE ENGLISH SUBTITLES Das Experiment geht in die zweite Runde. Hier wird das Schicksal der nächsten 4 Mädchen gezeigt. Rohrstockabstrafung mit Sophia Marcella